Do not place trust in ourselves . Self confidence is an obstacle for the Holy Grace . When we leave everything to God , HE is ” obligated ” to help us . Saint Paisios the Athonite.

  Having  a young graduate and another on the way as well  others of friends and relatives , how do we get the youth and young adults to truly understand this concept of humility and reliance on the Grace of The Lord in a world where we are all taught to be trust our selves…

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

CONSCIENCE AND OBEDIENCE Source: “Counsels from the Holy Mountain, ” selected from the Letters and Homilies of Elder Ephraim, St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery, Florence, AZ (1999), pp. 130-136.

When a person remains completely obedient to his conscience and implements whatever it tells him, he is not reproved by it anymore— not that its voice has weakened, but rather because of his good obedience, his conscience has nothing to reprove. The Apostle John says that when a man’s conscience does not condemn him, he…

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης


ON THE ANNUNCIATION TO THE HOLY VIRGIN MARY By St. Gregory of Neocaesarea, known as Thaumaturgus  O Thaumatourgos, The Miracle-Worker) (+275). Today the choir of angels sings strains of praise joyfully, and the light of the advent of Christ shines brightly upon the faithful. Today is the glad springtime to us, and Christ the Sun…

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

THE UNION OF HEART AND NOUS Source: From the translated book “My Elder: Joseph the Hsrtc -_T and Cave-dweller, ” pp. 558-562, St. Anthony’s Greek Monastery, Florence, AZ.

One year before the repose of Elder Joseph, while I was saying the prayer in sync with my breathing during vigil, something amazing happened. A state of prayer came to me that I cannot find words to describe. Suddenly, my nous entered my heart, and my nous, my heart, and the prayer became one! I…

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

The Example of Saint Ambrose of Milan and the Contemporary Theories of Obligatory Cessation of Communion with those in Communion with Hierarchs Preaching Heresy “Bare-Headed”

By Protopresbyter Peter Heers  Today, December 7th, we celebrate the memory of our Father Among the Saints Ambrose of Milan. The Life of the Saint, written by his close disciple Paulinus, relays important information on the state of the Church at the time and the way in which the Saint was elected bishop which is…

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– Excerpt from a homily by the Ever-memorable and Blessed Fr. Athanasius Mytilinaios      INTRODUCTION Many believers write to me or ask me when I visit parishes or speak somewhere, what am I able to do, as a lay person, when my priest or bishop diverts from the Faith of the Church or teaches or guides…

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

Whenever you are in pain and are afflicted, call to mind Him Who was Crucified and then you will find much relief.

Here in this vain world, my child, we shall be afflicted, we shall be embittered, we shall feel pain. But all this is for a limited time; it is temporary—let us pray that God does not abandon us to an eternal degree and measure, for then we would not bear it.  Whenever you are in…

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

Learning from St. Dositheos’ Example

 Perfect obedience is this:  ( St. Dorotheos ) never allowed ( his disciple, Dositheos ) to become attached to any material objects. Dositheos took everything with joy and faith and obeyed willingly in everything. When he needed a cloack, Dorotheos provided him with the cloth and he would go away and sow it carefully with style. When he had finished, he…

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

While the light of day still shines (Saint Ephraim the Syrian)

  The times and years of the world are pleasant, but vanish like smoke. They’re like a fleeting dream and our days are like shadows. The evening passes quickly and the morning doesn’t linger… Make haste, then, sinner, to receive forgiveness while the light of day still shines upon you. » Saint Ephraim the Syrian  Source: While…

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The surest form of friendship (Saint Paisios the Athonite)

When we think of the saints, they think of us and help us. So you make friends with the saints, which is the surest form of friendship. Then you can be alone and live with everyone: with the saints, the angels and everybody else in the world.  » Venerable Païsios the Athonite Source:

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

Melancholy, worry and sorrow (Venerable Nectarios of Optina)

  There are people who never turn to God and never pray. Suddenly their soul experiences melancholy, their spirit worry and their heart sorrow. Then they realize that in such unhappiness no-one can help them.  This is why they turn to God and say with a deep sigh: ‘Lord, have mercy upon me’ And the…

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

The furnace of sorrow: Elder Ephraim of Arizona

 All those who’ve been sanctified, and then those who’ve been saved, all those who’ve passed through the furnace of sorrows. Some though illness, some through the struggle against the passions and so on. That is, the whole catalogue of Godly sorrows. These have the right to eternal repose.  » Elder Ephraim of Arizona Source:…

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

God doesn’t discriminate Saint – Theophan the Recluse

He doesn’t take into consideration what people were – good or bad, virtuous or sinful – before they desired Grace. He simply awaits the expression of this desire from each of us, and as soon as that happens, Grace begins to act. » Saint Theophan the Recluse  Source: God doesn’t discriminate (Saint Theophan the…

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

DIVINE PROVIDENCE – From the Conversations and Homilies of Elder Paisios.

      DIVINE PROVIDENCE     From the Conversations and Homilies of Elder Paisios.      Our duty and concern must be how to please God and our fellow men; we should not be preoccupied with our needs, as God will take care of them. There is a silent spiritual agreement between God and man. He will…

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