Being indifferent towards the enemy Venerable Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia

Being indifferent towards the enemy is a great art: the art of arts. And it comes about only by divine Grace. Opposing evil by the Grace of God is achieved bloodlessly and painlessly, without pushing and shoving.  » Venerable Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia  Source:

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

REFLECTIONS ON THE FEAST OF THE DORMITION By Elder Thaddeus (+2003), from “Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives,

  REFLECTIONS ON THE FEAST OF THE DORMITION By Elder Thaddeus (+2003), from “Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives, ”ppl63—170.    thank the Lord and the Most Holy ^Mother of God that He has willed to embellish this feast day of the Dor- mition of the Most Holy Theotokos through the angelic voices of the chil-dren…

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

ABOUT FOOLS, WISER THAN THE WORLD By St. Nikolai Velimirovich. We are fools for Christ’s sake. [1 Cor 4:10]

      ABOUT FOOLS, WISER THAN THE WORLD   By St. Nikolai Velimirovich.  We are fools for Christ’s sake. [1 Cor 4:10]    Thus speaks the great Apostle Paul who in the beginning was guided by worldly wisdom, which is against Christ, until he recognized the falsehood and decay of the wisdom of the world…

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

Elder Ephraim of Filotheou and Arizona From Counsels from the Holy Mountain, from the Letters and Homilies of Elder Ephraim

   Ι see your struggle; I am counting the crowns; I envy your medallions; I plunge my mind into the age to come to hear the triumphant melodies that the angelic beings will compose; I am amazed and bemoan myself because I have not struggled as you struggle! My children, just think about what the…

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

Be careful with your tongue and your thoughts

Salvation is not gained when we speak idly or when we pass our days without keeping accounts. Be careful with your tongue and your thoughts, for guarding them fills the soul with the light of God. But he whose mouth is unbridled deposits various impurities in his soul. Elder Ephraim of Arizona

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

Elder Charalambos of Dionysiou: The prayer of the heart

We say that mental prayer is for all Christians. Mental prayer is also called prayer of the heart. You ask if prayer spoken aloud can also be called prayer of the heart… Unless it’s pure, neither mental nor spoken prayer can be called prayer of the heart.  » Elder Charalambos of Dionysiou  Source:

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

Our ignominy

Egotism is an absurd passion  which is literally a scourge of humankind. We all suffer from this dread disease. Self-centred people are made ridiculous and a spectacle by their egotism. God calls upon us to fight this egotism and overcome it, to cast it off.  » Elder Ephraim of Arizona  Source:

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης

Our attitude

 Our struggle to enter into the eternal life of God Himself is neither a simple nor an easy thing. Our attitude is ‘May your will be done’. Then the potential develops within us to conceive of God as He is in His eternity. » Elder Sophrony of Essex Source:

Συνέχιση ανάγνωσης