Except from the Rule of Saint Benedict, from Chapter 7 On Humility.

1 Brothers, Divine Scripture calls to us saying: Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled, and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted (Luke 14:11; 18:14).

2 In saying this, therefore, it shows us that every exaltation is a kind of pride, 3 which the Prophet indicates he has shunned, saying: Lord, my heart is not exalted; my eyes are not lifted up and I have not walked in the ways of the great nor gone after marvels beyond me.

4 And why? If I had not a humble spirit, but were exalted instead, then you would treat me like a weaned child on its mother’s lap.

5 Accordingly, brothers, if we want to reach the highest summit of humility, if we desire to attain speedily that exaltation in heaven to which we climb by the humility of this present life, 6 then by our ascending actions we must set up that ladder on which Jacob in a dream saw angels descending and ascending (Gen 28: 12).

7 Without doubt, this descent and ascent can signify only that we descend by exaltation and ascend by humility.

8 Now the ladder erected is our life on earth, and if we humble our hearts the Lord will raise it to heaven.

9 We may call our body and soul the sides of this ladder, into which our divine vocation has fitted the various steps of humility and discipline as we ascend.
