By St. Ignatius Brianchaninov (+1867).
 St. Ignatius Brianchaninov stands out as one of the greatest patristic writers of the nineteenth century. This great saint left to Orthodox Christians a compass by which we can check our direction as vve traverse the complex path of spiritual life, to avoid the dark forests and pitfalls of spiritual delusion and pride.

 There is no such thing as blind happenstance (a circumstance especially that is due to chance, Ed. God rules the world, and all that happens in heaven and under the heavens happens according to the wise and omnipotent God, unfathomable in His wisdom and omnipotence,, and unfathomable in His governance.

If there is not a single event that is secret from God, then we must glorify God for everything that happens.
It is necessary to assure ourselves that God governs the fate of world and of each person. Lite experiences are not long to prove and confirm this Gospel teaching.

All things pass—both the bad and the good—and neither men, nor demons can do anything if God does not allow it.

Why does our soul rebel against God’s will and allowances? Because we have not revered God as God…

From living faith in God is born complete submission to God, and from submission to God is born peace in our thoughts and calm in our hearts.

From seeing God’s Providence, in the soul develops pro-found meekness and unfailing love of neighbor, which no winds can disturb or agitate.
God watches over the times, events in society, and persona! fates.

The vision of God’s Providence preserves and grows our faith in God.

The Christian who keeps his gaze fixed upon God’s Providence preserves constant courage and unshakable steadfast-ness, even amidst terrible misfortunes.

Before the sight of God’s Providence, not only can tem-porary sorrows not stand, but also those that await a person when lie crosses the threshold into eternity beyond the grave.

 A Christian should never and for no reason worry, for God’s Providence carries him in its arms. Our only care should be that we would ever remain faithful to the Lord.
That one soldier has fallen does not mean the entire army is defeated.
Salvation consists in the restoration of our communion with God.
Unhappy is he who is satisfied with his own human righ-teousness, for he does not need Christ, Who says of Himself: Ιam not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance (Mt. 9:13); men, who believe in Him and are transformed in accordance with Him, gods by grace.

Vol. 13, Issue 11-12   November-December 2015        Brotherhood of St. Poimen