Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για o ρόλος της ορθόδοξης εκκλησίαςΤΗΕ ROLE OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH

Orthodoxy accepts (for treatment) all people who want to be healed, without forcing them to do so.

Orthodoxy embraces all people, because it is not a religion. The Orthodox faith is a therapy, is a therapeutic method, she is a “doctor’s office”. When we go to the doctor, he doesn’t ask if we are Greeks, so he can take us in for treatment, and if we are not, to send us away. If doctors were as they are supposed to be, the would heal us all with no exception.

So is the Church; She does not belong to a state or a nation. This is why we do not say “The Church of the Greeks”, but “The Church of Greece”. And who does the Church of Greece include? Who does She care for? Only for the Greeks? Definitely not, but cares for all of them living in Greece right now. Be them Albanians, Taiwanese, be them from New Delhi or elsewhere, the Church embraces them all. If all those aforementioned people go to this “doctor’s office” (the Church), She will heal them, She will receive them, because their nous is sick, and the Church is here to heal the whole world.

We also say: “The Archbishop of Athens” and not “The Archbishop of the Athenians”, because we refer to all those living in Athens right now, and all of them are under the Archbishop’s love and care, they are in his pastoral interest. The Church embraces them all.

As we see, the Church is the unity of all, and the Church (according to our late reposed Saint Porphyrios) includes all of us (orthodox faithful). We are all “potentially” (δυνάμει) Church-members; I wish all of us become active (ἐνεργείᾳ) members too, which means we should all (the whole world), in our own free will, get into the Church.

Christ does not force anybody to be healed. He is very “democratic”, in a sense, more “democratic” than we can ever conceive. He receives anybody willing to come closer to Him, but, for a therapy, He leads nobody by force.

f. Savvas Agioreitis

To be continued…