Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για The persecution of the orthodox tradition today

The persecution of the orthodox tradition today

So, they hit the monasteries, because they did not want Orthodoxy to be strong. The same counts for today; they still don’t want Orthodoxy to be strong and free, because Orthodoxy produces righteous people, She produces true persons and not easily manipulated masses… and because they, on the other hand, want to have a mass that can be conveniently manipulated!

Remember what Henry Kissinger said about us; Reportedly Henry Kissinger, while addressing a group of Washington, D.C. businessmen in Sept.1974, among other comments, said: “The Greek people are anarchic and difficult to tame….”. He said that we cannot be governed easily. Why?

Because we are Orthodox; that’s why.

Our Orthodoxy, our Orthodox Church, teaches us how to become persons, how to respect our God-given freedom and free will, and avoid becoming slaves to other people. She teaches us to have an opinion about things… that’s why (Henry Kissinger reportedly said) we have to strike deep…

Yes, Henry Kissinger himself, lifetime Chairman of the Bilderberg Club, said that “…we must strike deep into their (the Greek) cultural roots: Perhaps then we can force them (the Greeks) to conform. I mean, of course, to strike at their language, their religion, their cultural and historical reserves…”. It’s all true; it has all been published openly.

This is exactly the spirit of the West: They do not believe it is of any profit to them and the society to have Orthodoxy at all. From the moment on Francs conquered the orthodox West and our Patriarchate in Rome, they constantly try to eliminate Orthodoxy. They appeared as Pseudo-Orthodox, but were pagans, multi-idolaters, according to St. Justin Popovich, as they are actually today.

In place of the orthodox popes in Rome they forcibly put popes under their influence and forced the orthodox people of Western Europe to become papists. Now, as true, genuine Orthodoxy existed primarily in the monasteries, it’s them they hit with special “care”. They drove orthodox monasticism out of the formerly orthodox Europe, either directly or by introducing fake dogmas and false teachings. They knew exactly what to do. This was their tactics when they came to Greece escorted by West-stricken Greek “enlighteners”, just after we gained our freedom from the Ottoman tyranny.

That’s when the persecution of traditional Hesychasm began in Greece; mainly by this man, Adamantios Koraïs. Unfortunately, it was him and a few others of his kind (Farmakidis etc.), who founded the schools and the educational system in contemporary Greece. That’s why Greek education is in a terrible state today, and children are so confused, uncured and disoriented when they finish school.

f. Savvas Agioreitis

To be continued…