Westernization of the orthodox East
Why was Hesychasm and its practitioners persecuted? Because the places it flourished (Russia, Greece, and Romanity in general) started to gradually undergo a cultural westernization. It all started in Russia after the reformation by the so-called Great Peter (in fact, he was no great at all!).
Well, this “Great” Peter, as you may already be aware of, committed a big crime: he westernized Russia! He opened all doors and windows (figure of speech) of our Holy Russia and allowed for the entire heresy of Papism along with its relative, the distorting culture of the West, to come in and alter everything (more or less, the same happened here in Greece).
Consequently, in place of the traditional orthodox Byzantine Chanting, a tetra-phonic music was adopted and is, unfortunately, to be found in all Russian churches. This is the reason for the emerging of western iconography and pompous architecture in church constructions. It all came from Russia, from this so-called Great Peter, who opened the doors to Western “civilization”.
This westernization came to Greece after the Greek Revolution (1821). We wanted to get rid of the Turkish capture and got enslaved by the West, instead. What could be worse than that?!